What problems will be encountered with the use of the water flosser?

1. Is it necessary to use water flosser? Is it an IQ tax?

Most people think that cleaning teeth as long as the use of a toothbrush is enough, in fact, this is far from enough, because the toothbrush can clean to a maximum of only about 70% of the tooth surface, and the gap between the two teeth can not be cleaned by the toothbrush alone, easy to residue, accumulation of food debris, plaque and soft dirt. In this case, it is necessary to use traditional floss or water floss auxiliary cleaning tools. Through the nozzle, this high-pressure pulse of water can be washed to any part of the mouth. The impact of this high-pressure pulse of water is a soft stimulation that does not injure any part of the mouth and massages the gums. It can use the impact force to flush out food impacted between the teeth without causing damage to the gums. For orthodontic people, dental flushes are of great help for brackets and dental surfaces that are not easy to clean with a toothbrush.                                                                                      

2. Do you still need to brush your teeth when using the water flosser?

The toothbrush can maintain the basic cleaning of the teeth, but the plaque needs to be removed by physical friction, And water floss can clean under the gums, pits, cavities and other areas that can’t be cleaned, so water floss can’t replace a toothbrush.

3, Will the gum bleed with the water flosser?

Some users may have gum bleeding when they first use it. If the gums bleed when floss is used correctly, it indicates that the gums are inflamed and the floss is touching the inflamed gum surface, causing bleeding. There is no need to be afraid of this situation, should continue to use dental floss thoroughly clean the teeth, in order to facilitate the removal of factors leading to gingival inflammation on the teeth (soft dirt, plaque, etc.), if not improved for a long time, should go to the dental hospital to find out the cause of bleeding and timely treatment.

If you are not used to it, it is recommended to start from the low mode and switch to other modes after adaptation.rushes are complementary.  SIILLK water floss has 0.6mm water outlet hole, 4-speed mode adjustment, suitable for most users.

4, will the water flosser make the teeth bigger?

Normal use is certainly not! Whether it’s floss or water floss. The teeth themselves have a certain physiological motion, like a “tumblers”, standing in their own independent alveolar socket, when the dental floss through the normal force between the two teeth, the teeth will appear invisible tiny movement, and will return to their “work” with the removal of the dental floss. It feels like the gap between the teeth gets bigger because it washes away some of the plaque and tartar that itself is attached to the teeth, exposing the teeth and gums themselves.     

5. Is there any limit to what water you can use to flush your teeth?

In general, the use of water to flush teeth can also be added to mouthwash or analgesic anti-inflammatory drugs, targeted to strengthen some effects.

It is recommended to use clean tap water or pure water, the temperature does not exceed 40°; You can also inject less than 5% salt water or diluted mouthwash, and the ratio of mouthwash to water should not exceed 1:1.  SIILLK suction, the tank can be cleaned directly to avoid the growth of bacteria             

6. Can the water flosser flush away the tooth stone?

Dental calculus is formed after the calcification of dental plaque and food residue through saliva reaction, even if the use of dental flusher can not be washed away, so it is recommended to go to the regular hospital in time for dental cleaning treatment.

Generally, adhere to the use of dental flusher, you can achieve a deep cleaning of the mouth, clean the soft dirt, you can effectively avoid the formation of dental stones.

At the same time, the harm of dental calculus is great, and the existence of dental calculus can cause gum and periodontal tissue lesions. Dental stones often cause bleeding of the gum tissue and oral odor, etc., when cleaning teeth, you will smell the smell of odor is produced by dental stones.

7. Open the mouthwash first or put it in your mouth first?

To use, first put the nozzle into the mouth, aligned with the teeth, teeth or gums, ensure that the water is perpendicular to the rinse site, and then press the open key to start the experience.

You need to put the nozzle in your mouth before you turn on the switch.                                                 

8. How long can the nozzle be used? Does it need to be replaced?

Just as the head of an electric toothbrush has an expiration date, so does the nozzle of a dental flusher.

The material of the nozzle is resin, it is recommended to replace it once every 3-6 months, and it can also be adjusted according to your actual situation. Can effectively prevent tooth decay.

9. the correct operation steps of the dental punch

(1), open the water tank, inject warm water, it is recommended not to exceed 50°,

(2), select the nozzle, insert the body,

(3), choose the right mode,

(4) Extend the nozzle into the mouth, lean forward to the sink,

(5) Close to the two teeth, align the gap between the teeth to be cleaned, press the switch to ensure that the water is perpendicular to the rinse site, while the mouth is slightly open, move the nozzle along the gum line in turn until all the teeth are cleaned. Dental punch is a kind of auxiliary tool to clean the mouth, the use of pulsed water impact to clean the teeth, a tool between the teeth, mainly portable, desktop, general flush pressure in 0 to 90psi. Just as people know that a high-pressure water gun can easily rinse off a car, etc., properly pressurized water has long been shown to be effective in cleaning people’s teeth and mouths.