The reasons why  SIILLK periodontist recommends patients use a water flosser?

Dental floss has been around for many years, but has only recently been welcomed by patients, dentists, and dental hygienists. Despite initially being considered a bit of a hassle, switching to dental floss can have significant long-term benefits for your oral health. If you have trouble using traditional floss regularly or at the recommended frequency, purchasing a new water flosser is a great solution.

Here are some reasons why our SIILLK periodontist recommends patients use a water flosser

1. Cleaning Periodontal Pockets

When it comes to having healthy teeth and gums, using a water flosser has a significant advantage: it can reach below the gumline and clean moderate to severe periodontal pockets. For individuals who have struggled with periodontal disease in the past, this benefit is well worth it. Traditional floss can only clean 2-3 millimeters below the gumline, leaving those with deeper pockets unable to fully clean their mouths. As a result, they are more susceptible to recurring and chronic gum diseases, including tooth loss.

The water stream from a water flosser can penetrate 7 millimeters or more into periodontal pockets, targeting bacterial colonies that would otherwise go undisturbed. Using a water flosser daily can wash away loose bacteria before they calcify into plaque on the tooth roots. In turn, these cleaner environments are less likely to experience additional bone loss, osteoporosis, bleeding, or disease transmission. For individuals with moderate to severe periodontitis, this reason alone is enough to invest in a water flosser!

2. Hard-to-Reach Spaces Around Teeth

Do you have areas in your mouth where teeth are tightly packed together, making flossing nearly impossible? A water flosser can easily target those spaces without the risk of shredding, breaking, or getting floss stuck between teeth. Sometimes, wider areas where food is easily trapped can also be a challenge to clean. If you knot your floss or use tufted floss, dragging it through that space may pull out food remnants or not. However, the strong jet from a water flosser is usually enough to rinse away everything.

Let’s not forget about cleaning the back teeth in your mouth. If your hands are large, your gag reflex is sensitive, or the spaces between your back teeth are crowded, it’s almost impossible to floss between those teeth. Fortunately, the narrow tip of a water flosser is long enough to easily reach behind the furthest molars in the lower jaw.

3. Beneath Fixed Bridges

Traditional dental bridges and implants supporting bridges are some of the most challenging areas to clean. Since you cannot use floss like normal in these spaces, you need to find other ways (such as using a floss threader or proxy brush). A water flosser can also be used in conjunction with a toothbrush to clean support teeth or implants surrounding the bridge just like under a bridge.

If you don’t floss around your bridge daily, plaque can build up underneath the repair. After a few days, the gum tissue in that area may start getting infected. Decay will also occur (around the teeth, not around the implants). Because using a water flosser around a bridge is easier than using floss, you can more easily stick to good home hygiene habits. In turn, the lifespan of your fixed bridge may be longer.

Since water flossers are safe and effective for all dental restorations, you can easily transition from one tooth to another. No need to switch between different oral hygiene tools; one tool can clean your entire mouth at once.

4. No Need for Floss Threaders

A floss threader is a needle-shaped plastic tool used to thread floss between tight spaces. For example, around orthodontic wires, under bridges, or in crowded teeth. Having to thread floss through every space in your mouth can be tedious, making it challenging to stay committed every day. Especially for individuals with multiple bridges, braces, or limited flexibility.

A water flosser effectively eliminates the need for floss threaders. Since the water stream directly jets through the spaces where you need floss, there is no physical reason to thread the string through the space. Just use the tip of the water flosser and let the water rinse the space for a few seconds.

5. Water Flossers are Safe for Dental Implants

Certain types of products can be harsh on dental implants. While implants are stronger than natural teeth, they are not invincible. You also need to use gentle enough tools to protect the gum tissue around each implant. Simple things like brushing too vigorously or using floss to thread floss can damage the soft tissues around fixed implants. But not with a water flosser.

Water flossers are powerful yet gentle enough to safely clean the edges of dental implants. Since peri-implant inflammation (a form of gum disease around implants) is the biggest risk implants face, it’s crucial to clean the gum tissue edge below the implant side daily. Cleaning these spaces with a water flosser is highly effective and won’t irritate your mouth. By keeping the gum tissues surrounding implants extremely clean, they can snugly hug the implant as much as possible to ensure its longevity.

6. Thoroughly Clean Beneath TeethXpress/All-on-4

Full arch implant systems like TeethXpress and “All-on-4” treatment use fixed hybrid devices that cover the curved arch in the lower jaw. Since it’s permanently fixed in place, you need a method to clean the prosthetic and gum tissue between the bridge and the supporting implant.

In the past, the best choice was using floss threaders or tufted floss to weave in and out under prostheses. Unfortunately, this process can be tedious and prevent many people from doing it every day.

A water flosser allows you to bypass extra tools or flossing devices to clean around TeethXpress. Instead, you simply aim the water flosser at the edge of the entire arch implant and trace it from one side to the other. Spend a little extra time at each implant location. The strength of the water flosser is enough to wash away food remnants, bacterial plaque, and maintain the cleanliness of these areas. You may need to consider using it twice a day, just like brushing your teeth.

7. It’s Better Than Flossing

There are several reasons why using a water flosser is better than traditional flossing.

For one, people tend to be more willing to use a water flosser. Once you start using floss, it’s easier to stick to your daily routine. However, only a small percentage of people actually floss every day.

Additionally, the cleaning efficacy of a water flosser is superior to regular floss. It can reach deep into gum pockets and clean concave areas between teeth that floss cannot reach. Since a water flosser can remove more plaque bacteria in more areas of the mouth, it is becoming the preferred method for cleaning between teeth.

8. Gentle on the Mouth

Do you experience pain when flossing? Perhaps the string feels like it’s cutting into your gum tissue, or you bleed every time you floss? Flossing can be uncomfortable (sometimes even painful), to the point where you may not want to try doing it regularly. Thankfully, this is not the case when using a water flosser.

Because a water flosser uses a gentle stream of water to clean your teeth and gums, it is much more comfortable than traditional flossing. Especially in tight contact cases, it feels like you are “cutting” the floss between teeth. Using a water flosser usually does not cause any irritation. If your gums are sensitive, some itching is normal; fortunately, these sensations often disappear as you get used to using the device. During the first cleaning, gum tissue that is more irritated (such as in areas of chronic gum disease) may feel slightly tender or itchy but is unlikely to cause discomfort.

When flossing is more comfortable to use, you’re more likely to use it more frequently. Using a water flosser is a great way to transition from uncomfortable oral hygiene habits to ones that feel better. Best of all, using a water flosser more frequently naturally reduces gum sensitivity. It’s a win-win!

9. Interchangeable Tips

Depending on the water flosser you purchase, you can choose specific tips that make cleaning your mouth easier.

For example, a tufted tip attachment is great for cleaning along the crowns, bridges, and edges of implants. If you have wide gaps between teeth and receding gums, it can also help you reach between teeth. Dentists also recommend this particular attachment to people undergoing orthodontic treatment since it can effectively clean around metal wires and brackets.

Other interchangeable nozzles often affect the water pressure and flow, especially if your machine doesn’t have adjustable nozzles to control it. Smaller openings often have higher pressure and a finer water flow, while larger openings have lower pressure and more water.

You may want to experiment with different tips to find the one you prefer. If your water flosser doesn’t come with this feature, that’s okay. Eventually, you want to have a nozzle that controls the flow of water, or you can use a tufted nozzle if you have specific restorations that would benefit from it.

10. Healthier Gums

People who have gingivitis or periodontal disease almost always see an improvement in gum health once they start flossing. Like regular flossing, you need to use it every day. After flossing your teeth daily for two weeks, you should start to see results.

During your dental check-ups, you may notice less gum irritation, bleeding, or reduced probing depths (pockets). Since a water flosser can clean below the gumline, there is much less risk of deeper pocket gums or plaque buildup.

If you experience bleeding gums when brushing and flossing, then using a water flosser can significantly improve your gum health. Generally, healthy gums don’t bleed when you clean your teeth. If they do, it’s usually because an infection is occurring. Using a water flosser regularly prevents plaque from irritating your tissues, fundamentally preventing easy gum bleeding. Over time, any redness or inflammation will disappear, leaving your gums smooth and beautifully colored.

11. You Can Stop Using Regular Floss

Yes, you heard that right. If you use a water flosser every day, we allow you to stop using regular floss. Since most people don’t floss regularly, this news is often very welcome.

Since a water flosser can reach all the areas that regular floss cleans and some areas that it does not, there is no need to use both simultaneously. If you start using a water flosser and feel like your mouth is clean enough, and the difference is significant, you may want to use it more frequently. In this case, stopping regular floss use is entirely acceptable.

Although keeping in mind to use regular floss, or perhaps keeping a floss pick in your car or on your desk in case food gets stuck after meals. But as part of your routine oral hygiene, removing floss from your to-do list is completely acceptable if you use a water flosser daily.

12. They Can Also Be Used With Braces

You may not have braces, but if you are considering orthodontic treatment or have family members about to get braces, a water flosser is a must! Water flossers (especially those with brush tip designs) are excellent for cleaning around fixed brackets and orthodontic wires. Since plaque buildup around braces leaves lasting white spots on teeth, investing in a water flosser can help target areas that a toothbrush may miss.

Adults are never too old to get braces; statistically, having a healthier smile can reduce the chances of developing TMJ disorders, gum disease, and cavities. To start with a healthier smile from day one, always use an electric toothbrush and water flosser around braces. It’s also a good idea to have one for younger family members at home.

13. Different Designs for Everyone

There are dozens of different types of water flossers on the market. Depending on your personal preferences, one may be better or more convenient than another. Here are some of the most common design and setting options you may want to consider:

Shower Design – Flossing can be messy at first. Some people prefer to buy models installed directly in the shower, so there’s no worry about water flowing everywhere. Shower-style water flossers are also convenient because you can easily use them daily without disrupting your normal morning routine. Some designs even directly attach to the bathroom sink faucet.

Portable Water Flossers – Do you travel frequently? Do you prefer to be able to use floss in multiple areas rather than tether to a specific sink or shower? If so, a portable version might be the best. These designs have a built-in reservoir inside the handle that fills up each time you use it. One downside of travel water flossers is that you may need to refill once or twice each time you clean your mouth (as it holds less water).

Countertop Traditional – Most water flossers are countertop, with a large internal water tank, hose, and tip. You can fill the tank with water at the desired temperature or just top it off for use at room temperature.

Adjustable Water Flow – A crucial feature to consider is purchasing a water flosser that offers adjustable pressure. This can be a dial knob with a specific twist in which you can adjust higher or lower the flow of water or exchangeable tips with various openings (to affect water flow). For many people, adjusting pressure is often just as important as adjusting water temperature due to sensitivity.

Interchangeable Tip Options – Just like being able to adjust water flow, you may also want the ability to swap out various tips on your water flosser. Not all styles offer this feature, but some do. This feature is particularly helpful for people with extensive contacts, implant bridges/All-on-4/TeethXpress, or braces.

14. Easy to Use

When using a water flosser, all you need to do is draw around each tooth near the gumline and stop between each tooth to clean these small spaces. Using water flossers is much easier for people who may not be as dextrous, have arthritis, or are unable to put their fingers in their mouths due to sensitive gag reflexes! At first, you may disagree. But once you develop the habit of using a water flosser without making a mess, the process becomes straightforward. In fact, everyone in your household (at least middle school and above) can effectively use a water flosser. Many even have color-coded tips, allowing you to share the same device with family members and swap attachments based on who’s using it.

The more you practice using a water flosser, the easier it becomes. Be patient the first few times. The more you use it, the easier it becomes to control the excess water and itching sensation.

15. Your Dentist Will Notice the Difference

Your dentist and dental hygienist can easily tell if you’ve been flossing during your appointment. In most cases, the frequency of flossing is too low or done too quickly to the point where the tissues are still slightly red and irritated.

However, people using a water flosser tend not to have this issue. Water flossers are often easier to adhere to (meaning you floss more frequently), and they are more effective than regular flossing, significantly impacting your oral health. So, the next time you schedule a dental cleaning and check-up, your gums will typically look much healthier than the previous appointment.

This difference isn’t just visible when you smile. During the cleaning process, your hygienist will notice less inflammation, bleeding, and probing depth reduced around your teeth when using a water flosser.

Just like using an electric toothbrush, dentists can easily see the day-night difference between regular flossing and using a water flosser system. This reason alone is enough to encourage people to ditch regular floss and permanently switch to using a water flosser system.

Do you find it difficult to clean your teeth?

Preventative dental care is essential for maintaining lifelong dental health. If your gums and teeth are hard to clean due to gum pockets or hard-to-reach areas, our periodontal specialists’ professional treatments can help you get back on track. We’ll show you how gentle therapies like laser sterilization and cleaning can provide the gap between two dental check-ups.

For more information on water flossers, please contact SIILLK at!