Is water flossing really can remove plaque?

The key factors that cause dental caries include the following: bacteria, diet, teeth and saliva, without any of these factors will not develop dental caries. Doctors believe that saliva is the most important factor affecting caries.

1. Bacteria: In the process of producing caries, bacteria play a leading role, and there are many types of bacteria causing caries, the most critical are streptococcus and lactobacillus, which are mixed with saliva and food debris, piled up in the tooth surface and groove, producing dental plaque or plaque. Bacteria in plaque produce acid, which causes the tooth enamel surface to decalcify and dissolve.

2. Diet: In the process of tooth decay, the influence of diet is very important. Carbohydrate and sugar will provide nutrients and energy supply to bacteria, increase the metabolism of bacteria, produce a lot of organic acids, and decalcify and dissolve the tooth enamel surface. Sucrose is the most important carbohydrate that causes caries.

3. Teeth: The shape, position and structure of teeth are closely related to tooth decay. If the arrangement of teeth leaves some channels where food debris can easily accumulate, those debries can accumulate and are not easily removed, and tooth decay can easily occur. The quality of tooth enamel and dentin is not high, the ability to resist decay is poor and it is also easy to decay teeth. Fluorine plays a very important role in enhancing the anti-caries of teeth, so the teeth need to fill the appropriate amount of fluorine to prevent dental caries, but fluorine is harmful to the human body, the amount needs attention.

  • Saliva: Saliva, as the external environment of the teeth, plays an important role in inhibiting germs. Saliva can clean the surface of the tooth dirt, and reduce the attachment of bacteria and food debris. Saliva, as the external environment of the teeth, is the living environment of bacteria, and the secretion of thin and many saliva bacteria can not reproduce.

Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential for preventing dental issues like cavities and gum disease. While traditional flossing has long been recommended, water flossers have gained popularity in recent years as an alternative method for cleaning between teeth and along the gumline.

Bacteria “make cavities” by acid etching, softening and disintegration. Teeth do not go directly from hard to disintegrating, there is always an intermediate softening process. In other words, there is always a part of the eroded tooth that is in the “less hard, but still hard” stage, which is the front line of caries development, and where bacteria invade and hide. Flushing the cavities away only the back of the bacteria and the food debris that has been newly filled in the cavities, is not able to do anything to get into the semi-rigid structure of the tooth – this part of the tooth is hard on the surface. So… The cavity is washed away just the appearance, the most important component of caries – the bacterial invasion layer, can not be washed away.

So come back,is it useful to remove it?

The answer is yes, for example, plaque mainly causes damage to the teeth and gums, which is the two most common diseases of the mouth: caries and periodontal disease. Thewater flosser is the use of high-speed pulsed water column to clean the teeth, and can make up for the toothbrush cleaning blind area, effectively clean the surface of the teeth, between the teeth, gum space and tooth groove. Using a dental flusher can remove plaque and food debris from the mouth more thoroughly than a toothbrush, and keep the mouth clean and hygienic. In addition to the above mentioned advantages, the water generated by the dental flusher can massage the gums to a certain extent and promote the gingival blood circulation. In addition, it can relieve symptoms such as tooth bleeding and toothache, and improve the self-repair ability of periodontal tissue. But to choose the right dental irrigator, my advice is to choose a product with sufficient and strong water pressure without damaging the gums.

For example, the SIILLK water flosser , which I am using now, has a strong cleaning power with a pulse of 1800-2200 times per minute, far exceeding the average level of the industry. At the same time with 5 nozzles, choose the most suitable for you,through high-pressure water flow, it can clean the food residue and dental plaque in the space between the teeth, the gum line and other hard-to-clean teeth,The purpose of cleaning the mouth is to clean the food debris and dental plaque that are difficult to clean the teeth, such as the space between the teeth and the gum line, through high pressure water

In daily life, the frequent use of dental flushes can effectively clean the difficult areas between the teeth and gums, such as interdental cracks, gingival trenches, etc., for the prevention of dental caries and periodontal disease has a certain effect, the use of dental flushes can help remove dental plaque on the surface of the teeth, and prevent the occurrence of periodontitis, dental caries and other oral diseases. At the same time, the teeth can stimulate the gums and promote the health of the gums. For the cavities that have been formed, soro dental punch can clean the plaque and tooth decay in the holes, because of its powerful water pressure rinse, but the cavities have destroyed the structure of the teeth, in order to protect their own dental health, it is necessary to timely go to the dentist for treatment.

Understanding the Role of Water Flossers

Water flossers, also known as oral irrigators, use a stream of pulsating water to remove plaque, food particles, and bacteria from the mouth. They can be particularly beneficial for individuals with orthodontic appliances, such as braces or dental implants, as these devices can make it challenging to clean effectively with traditional floss. Water flossers can reach areas that are difficult to access with a toothbrush or string floss, providing a thorough cleaning experience.

The Benefits of Water Flossing

Improved Gum Health: Water flossing can help reduce gingivitis, inflammation of the gums caused by plaque buildup. By flushing out bacteria and debris, water flossers promote healthier gums and can contribute to overall gum health.

Enhanced Convenience: For individuals with limited manual dexterity or those who struggle with traditional flossing techniques, water flossers offer a more convenient alternative. The easy-to-grip handle and adjustable water pressure make it easier to clean between teeth effectively.

Orthodontic Appliance Care: Water flossers are particularly beneficial for individuals with braces, bridges, or dental implants. These devices can effectively clean around orthodontic appliances, reducing the risk of cavities and maintaining optimal oral health.

Dr. Hewlett, a dental professional, suggests that water flossers can disturb and disrupt bacterial biofilm, but physically removing the layer of bacteria with string floss is still more effective. Dr. Richardson concurs, emphasizing the importance of regular flossing in preventing the calcification process that leads to tartar and periodontitis.

The American Dental Association’s View

The American Dental Association (ADA) recognizes water flossers as effective tools for oral hygiene. They have granted their Seal of Acceptance to certain water flosser models, indicating that they have been tested and proven safe and effective in plaque removal. However, the ADA recommends using water flossers as an addition to regular flossing, not as a replacement.

Incorporating Water Flossers into Your Oral Hygiene Routine

To effectively incorporate water flossers into your oral hygiene routine, follow these steps:

Choose a water flosser with the FDA Seal of Acceptance or consult with your dentist for recommendations.

Fill the reservoir with warm water or an antimicrobial mouthwash, if desired.

Adjust the water pressure to a comfortable level and position the tip at a 90-degree angle to the teeth and gumline.

Start at the back of the mouth and work your way to the front, ensuring that you clean both sides of each tooth and along the gumline.

Use the water flosser at least once a day, preferably before brushing your teeth.


Water flossers can be effective tools for cleaning between teeth and along the gumline, reducing the risk of cavities and promoting healthier gums. While they offer convenience and benefits for individuals with orthodontic appliances, water flossers should not replace regular brushing and flossing. Incorporating water flossing into your oral hygiene routine, in addition to traditional flossing, can provide a comprehensive approach to cavity prevention and overall oral health. Consult with your dentist to determine the best oral hygiene practices for your specific needs and maintain regular dental visits for optimal oral care.