SIILLK Certifications

Committed to safety and the highest level of quality standards.

Patents, Certifications, Awards

Oral care and teeth whitening products are generally considered safe and categorized as cosmetic products in the world.

As with all products that come into contact with the human body and may be ingested, safety depends on the reliability of the source of the product. SIILLK proudly manufactures all of our teeth whitening products in China, under rigorous supervision and testing protocols to ensure the utmost product safety and efficacy.

Teeth Whitening and Oral Wellness products can be subject to government regulations in some parts of the world. 


Samples before Bulk Order

We have a wide selection of oral product styles that we can show you on site, working with SIILLK, from proofing to batch, you just need to confirm
Contact our sales team directly and we will get back to you in a few minutes!

Work with A Teeth Whitening Factory Trusted by 3000+ Brands & Dentists